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What is the first step of success?
Plenty of people dreams about something they want to achieve, but have not started yet. Do you know why? The Fear of failure.
The fear of failure comes, when we don't believe in ourselves. Henry Ford quote that "if you think you can or you can't, you are right". So people who believe they fail, always think about failure and they won't start their dream projects.
Now we may have a question, How to believe in ourselves? To be frank, we need someone to tell us that we are worthy of our dreams and capable to achieve what we need if we feel low. But in realty, the people who surround us judge our efforts by their capacity and actions. So, all we need is a company of a good friend/people.
Getting company of good people is rare, so we have to cling to those people when we find one. What if I tell you an easy way to get a good friend who only motivates you, tells you that you can do whatever you want and you have no limits?
Did this friend exist? Yes. There are hundreds of thousands of these friends exists, but we ignore them and choose to stay in negativity.
If you ask "Why I couldn't see them or get a one, when I need?", the answer is simple. You couldn't search properly or you weren't introduced to them by another good one.
I don't want to confuse further and as a good friend to you, I am introducing few of them, so you can get as much positivity as possible from them. Again want to rephrase it "Sky is the only limit on how much you can learn from them".
"A Good Book is like a Good friend" - Charlie Lovett
I share three of the best books (friends), I feel have a positive impact on my life,
"Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Dr. Joseph Murphy and "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S. Clason.
Think and Grow Rich tells us a lot of inspirational stories about people who used their belief to achieve their goal and how can we use it to achieve our. Think and Grow Rich is one of my best friend I visit often.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is all about the importance of subconscious mind and how can we tweak it to achieve our goals. In simple words, it express that when our mind is ready to accept the success, the whole universe conspires to make it happen.
The Richest Man in Babylon is short stories about the Babylon but teaches us very valuable lesson on Becoming Wealthy. When I read it, I wondered how come the same principles can be very effective even after 4000+ years of a civilization. The knowledge it gives about getting rich are very valuable. One should read this book in the early stage of employment or entrepreneurship. If missed, the right time is now.

When I tried to find some best personal development books for entrepreneurs, I came across a bundle of 4 books
"World’s Greatest Books For Personal Growth & Wealth" in amazon, having the above three with an another unknown friend "
How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. I haven't introduced myself to the fourth one yet and will tell you about it once I formerly introduced.
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