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The Science of Habit Formation

Introduction: Habits can make you a winner or a loser. Identifying and managing your habits is a lifelong task. I have tried to explain this in an interactive way with day-to-day life problems. It will be a combination of conversations and narrative explanations. Let's deep dive into habits. What is a Habit? It is a fine Monday morning, and the entire office is in a hurry. With more people in an agitated state, the whole office looks like a country preparing to wage war against another. The cabins in the office are rowed, and the corner cabin lies near the window. It seems it is the most peaceful place in the entire office. There, we can check on two friends, Arjun and Chaitanya, who sit next to each other. Both are from the same team, and they both are the heroes of our series. Let's hear what they talk about. Arjun: Hey Buddy, I missed my cab again today. That guy didn’t wait a few more minutes and canceled. Chaitanya (with a smile): Dude, it's been three times this mon...

Is it possible to get positivity from a boring environment?

Be Positive... Stay Positive... We have heard these words almost from every positivity blogs, videos and speeches. 

And whenever we read, watch those articles, we have a gush feeling but when we turn to reality that feeling fade.

While seeing a pile of papers at our desk or long meetings in our calendar or thinking about the repetitive work, we feel drained and wonder, how to be positive in a boring day life.

But what if someone tells you that you can be actually be positive and also change that boring life into an enthusiastic one, do you believe?

It is what I learned today. I have come across a tweet about getting a targeted amount of followers. 

What is new in it? Won't everyone in social media is thriving for the same? 

Everyone tries to become popular, but only few masters it. The tweet I have read is about how the person is planning to gain followers, an open strategy he tweeted. 

If you are in social media and started with zero (if you are not a popular person), you know the struggle of getting even first 100 followers. But his strategy is getting 20k followers in around 6 months time span. It is one of the boring task, without retweets, likes but continuously tweeting. It needs effort and consistency.

When I read his tweet, I thought how boring it would be at the starting. But what makes a person to attempt that boring task without any hesitation or procrastination? 

And I linked our daily boring life with that task. Why I have to do a boring task daily? How to get motivation out of a boring task? Results. 

If I do a task without a plan or goal, it becomes boring. If I link it with my passion or result, it becomes part of my goal. Am I not motivated to work for my goal? - An Entrepreneur way of seeing things.

Or we can have another perspective - a kid mentality. A better example will be of a school kid. A typical school day will be the most boring task. But have you ever seen a kid seeing tired at the end of school? The thought of 'Done for the day in school' and 'Evening play time or show time' gives much enthusiasm to a kid. 

Compare yourself to a kid or an entrepreneur.  

I can clear the pile of papers or attend the meetings with joy, If they are part of my goal and If I am going to achieve something for my passion out of them. - An Entrepreneur Mindset.

I can clear these pile of papers or complete these meetings as soon as possible , So I can have time on my own to pursue my interest or follow my dreams. - A School kid mindset. 

I know, again I am coming to the point that everything is in our mindset, but wouldn't it true? 

We are responsible for our mindset, and we can make it the way we want, either by entrepreneur mindset or school kid mindset. As long as we think positive and stay positive, our life will be awesome.

"If you can't change your situation, change your perspective" - Maya Angelou.

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What I Learned Yesterday

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