Failure is the first step of success - Is it True?
Whenever we face a failure or having a setback, we might have heard these line "Failure is the first step of Success".
We all accept at one point that huge success always follows the greatest failures. But is that statement "Failure is the first step of success" is true?
If it is true, then why all failures are not turned into success? So many people failed but only few succeed. Why?
After some thought, I slightly to differ from this statement. The root of this phrase is, success comes with experience and we gain experience from the failures. So people tend to think that failure is the base.
But actual first step of success is not failure, but a try. There are so many people out there, won't even try something new. They will simply lead a life of an average. Even in that average life style, they fear to try something new.
Few people, believe they can achieve something and come out of their comfort zone and try. When they try, they fail. Some people retrospect their effort, change the approach, and achieve.
In this basic formula of success, if we see in depth, the first step in success is 'believing in themselves and try to succeed'. Before winning or losing, the participation in the competition comes first. Without the participation, we will be cheering for others and watching the game.
One may have potential, skills or hardwork. But to succeed one should have confidence. Without confidence, we won’t even try. So failure is an important step in the process of success but the first step is trying.
Every one knows the famous scientist Edison. He invented so many things and owned so many patents. Everyone admires him as an icon to follow and succeed. We are not going to discuss about his success story.
Edison was at his peak of fame. There were so many who were interested to become his partner. Many dreamt about it. Even with lot of money and skills, they were not able to become his partner.
One fine day a guy named Barnes arrived at Edison’s office. He was poor and didn't have any specific skills. He wanted to meet Edison and become a partner. Yes.. His statements were direct and confident.
Edison looked at him and offered him a job as a sweeper in his office. Easiest choice for Barnes was to gave up. Instead, he accepted the offer and waited for his turn.
His patience finally paid off. Edison invented a machine called Ediphone in which, his sales representatives didn't have interest. But Barnes saw his potential growth in that machine and made it as a big hit in sales. His plans and management skills helped him to sell it and he became a multimillionaire in a young age. With all those accumulated money and Edison’s trust, he became Edison’s partner after two years.
Many would have dreamt, but he tried. He failed literally for two years, but the first step of his success started when he asked Edison about the partnership.
You might have dreamt about starting a business, following your passion or doing something you want. You might have afraid of what happens if it fails or what others think if you fail. But the first step of success is trying. Until you try, you don’t know what will happen. If it succeeds you will be happy. If it fails, at-least you will be satisfied that you gave it a try and you will try harder next time.
Always Success starts with a simple try.
"Try and fail but never fail to try" - Jared Leto