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The Science of Habit Formation

Introduction: Habits can make you a winner or a loser. Identifying and managing your habits is a lifelong task. I have tried to explain this in an interactive way with day-to-day life problems. It will be a combination of conversations and narrative explanations. Let's deep dive into habits. What is a Habit? It is a fine Monday morning, and the entire office is in a hurry. With more people in an agitated state, the whole office looks like a country preparing to wage war against another. The cabins in the office are rowed, and the corner cabin lies near the window. It seems it is the most peaceful place in the entire office. There, we can check on two friends, Arjun and Chaitanya, who sit next to each other. Both are from the same team, and they both are the heroes of our series. Let's hear what they talk about. Arjun: Hey Buddy, I missed my cab again today. That guy didn’t wait a few more minutes and canceled. Chaitanya (with a smile): Dude, it's been three times this mon...

Understanding Positive Approach

A short note on Being Positive:

How come be positive in a negative situation?

You mean to say that we shouldn't worry whatever happens?

Positive thinking is just only taking positives and neglecting negatives in our life. In that case, are we not being blind for the negativity around us?

These are some of the questions, we face when we think about positivity. Aren't these true? or is there a misconception in understanding about being positive?

As a learner about positivity, I also had these questions and still searching the answers for many follow up questions. This post is to give what I understood so far. 

Being Positive
Image by Luisella Planeta LOVE PEACE 💛💙 from Pixabay 

Being positive neither means turning blind eye on the negativity around us nor not to worry about our situation. Being positive means, taking advantage of every situation and try to find opportunity or way out of nasty situations. 

Life is not a smooth boat ride. It may be simple sometimes and complex many times. Problems occur and life may become complex in a minute. Financial problems, Health issues, Relationship problems, you can name n number of issues in the world. How come one can be positive at such situations? Is it means, we have to accept whatever happens as fate? or have to wait for anyone to save us?

No one is gonna save you until you want to save yourself. The first thing one can do to save himself/herself is to believe in self. Again a jargon used by may positivity coaches? Absolutely NOT.

Being positive means, accepting the situation and trying to act according to that, means, according to the the current situation/problems, trying to figure out what is the available best course of action we can do to change the situation/problems. Sometimes you can find a way to solve the problems, sometimes you have to live with them but can ease the pain. 

It may be a bit rougher than you thought, if you landed in this page for some magic to solve all your problems. Being positive doesn't work in that way. 

For example, lets take the boat ride again. Boat rides may be smoother sometimes, but harder at the time of storm. Worrying when its harder is not gonna make it smoother. But trying the possible ways to sustain in storm makes you alive. The steps you take at the time of storm is not gonna guarantee that the storm will disappear or you can be safe for sure. But believing, the storm may go out of our way anytime and preparing for best solution available at current situation is called Being optimistic. Once you passed that problem, it becomes smaller and it becomes part of you legend. 

As Napoleon said, 

A genius is the man who can do the average thing, when all those around him are going crazy.

 Be the genius and Be positive.

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